Donations the Atlantic City Police Foundation have supported
(current as of September 2019)
Purchased 100 Self Aid Medical Kits
Purchased 57 Rapid Armor Deployment Rifle Resistant Vests
Purchased Vest mounted tourniquets for SWAT team and for the RAD Vests
Purchased the book “Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement” for all officers holding the rank of sergeant or above
Arranged for donation of EpiPen kits for use at firing range
Purchased Bicycles, racks, equipment and uniforms for Park & Ride Program
Purchased Police Surveillance Center monitors, equipment and furnishings
Funded Police Press Room improvements
Purchased Orthopedic Beds for all current and retired ACPD K-9’s
Provided 170 coats to Atlantic City children as part of Warm Coats Initiative
Purchased a surveillance system for the PAL building
Purchased gym equipment for our officers
Atlantic City Merchants Guide printing and Annual ACPD Report
Purchased amplified speaker system for ACPD Community relations initiatives
Atlantic City High School Junior ROTC
Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs community policing initiative
Atlantic City National Night Out Events community policing initiative
Atlantic City Halloween Trunk or Treat community policing initiative
Atlantic City Xclusive Drill Team community policing initiative
Atlantic City Police Athletic League (various events)
Atlantic City Police Explorers (various events)
Atlantic City Covenant House (rented bus for Sixers game with ACPD officers)
200 Club of Atlantic and Cape May County
The Junior Police Academy
Sponsored 2015 Unity Festival
Sponsored 2015 Summer Concert Series
Sponsored trip for 22 PAL youth and chaperones to the African American Museum and National Constitution Center
Purchased 2 ACPD K-9 dogs